
Please note that the Board Meeting on 4/18/24 will be at an off-site location - Tec Centro Southwest, 57 Laurel Street, Lancaster PA 17603, click here for the link to attend virtually.


Operating Documents


Lancaster County Chief Elected Officials entrust the The Lancaster County Workforce Development Board (LCWDB)  to operate with fiscal and professional integrity. We operate under guidance from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. We are also required by law to provide community members with information regarding our operating documents. Those documents are available here:

Right to Know Form

Request publicly available information for the Lancaster Workforce Development Board

Workforce Organizational Chart

LAST UPDATED: September 15, 2023

Your local workforce development system

Equal Employment Opportunity

LAST UPDATED: May 10, 2022

Know Your Rights Posters

LAST UPDATED: September 25, 2023

Covered employers required by law to display at work site.


Stevens Amendment

LAST UPDATED: September 26, 2023

The Stevens Amendment is an appropriations provision that requires grantees of the Department of Labor (DOL), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Education to disclose for a grant program the percent of the costs financed with federal funds

Babel Notice

LAST UPDATED: July 31, 2023

A notice stating that any vital information shall be provided in languages with over 1,000 Limited English Proficient individuals in Lancaster County. Free interpreters are also available.


Every four years, as a requirement of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), each state publishes a WIOA Combined State Plan describing what the state is doing to help Americans thrive in the workforce. As part of this process, each local workforce development board creates a local and regional action plan that supports the state’s goals.

Local Plan

LAST UPDATED: November 17, 2023

4-Year plan to meet local workforce development goals

Lancaster Conditional Approval Letter

Regional Plan

LAST UPDATED: August 17, 2023

4-Year plan to meet regional workforce development goals

Performance Negotiations

LAST UPDATED: October 3, 2022

PY22 and PY23 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Negotiated Performance Levels

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan

LAST UPDATED: August 25, 2023

1-Year plan to provide access to customers who may be limited English proficient


Supporting documents for the LCWDB’s roles and responsibilities as the fiscal agent for Lancaster County and its partner organizations.

CEO-WDB Agreement

LAST UPDATED: March 2, 2023

Chief Elected Officials and Workforce Development Board Partnership and Fiscal Agreement

One Stop Operator Agreement

LAST UPDATED: August 29, 2023

Agreement with selected Operator of career services

One Stop Partners Agreement

LAST UPDATED: July 31, 2023

Current partners for the PA Careerlink