Improving lives through work opportunities and strengthening the Lancaster Community workforce
Incumbent Worker Training
Funding to help Lancaster companies retain skilled workers and avoid layoffs.
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SkillUp® Lancaster
Explore career pathways, search for jobs, and register for free online learning. Complimentary new-hire training and candidate screening for Employers.
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Edge Factor
E-Learning tool to showcase industries and careers, teach soft skills, show how STEAM comes alive in the real world and highlight local training and career opportunities.
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Apprenticeships are innovative training programs that allow employers to develop and prepare their future workforce, while providing individuals with an learn-while-you-earn approach to career development.
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PA CareerLink®
Employers – connect with job candidates and get help reducing your recruitment, hiring and training costs.
Jobseekers – access personalized career and training services.
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Career Calculator
What are the job prospects in my chosen field? How much money can I expect to make? How long to pay off my school loans? Find the key information you need to make a solid choice on a career path.