In case you missed it, we had an amazing turn out at our last Career Ready Lancaster! full council meeting, with around 50 people in attendance from all different occupations and industries. A special shoutout goes to Pequea Valley High School, Superintendent Erik Orndorff, and Assistant Superintendent Rich Eby for hosting the meeting! This most recent meeting was focused on adult education and re-education, for those who are seeking knowledge about the workforce and how it all works. We heard from the Executive Director of Lancaster County Workforce Development Board, Anna Ramos, about how we’ve reached pre-pandemic levels of labor in Lancaster. The CRL! Committees also gave updates on their work, including the Marketing Committee with their How Cool is That?! video project in partnership with Greg Timmons from Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. Impressing everyone were the various speakers who talked about expanding your recruiting network, and how to make your recruiting more inclusive and diverse. Tom Neely of Miller’s Smorgasbord and Dan Sahd of Sahd Metal Recycling also gave impressive talks about the work they’re doing to attract and retain employees. Assistant Director of Lancaster County Workforce Development Board, Valerie Hatfield, wrapped up the meeting by talking about Incumbent Worker Training Grants offered through LCWDB and various marketing opportunities coming up. The PowerPoint used during the meeting is linked below for your reference.
The next CRL! meeting will be on October 20, 2023 from 7:30 – 9 a.m. at Lancaster-Lebanon IU13, 1020 New Holland Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17601.