Capacitación para trabajadores titulares

What is Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)?

Also referred to as IWT, Incumbent Worker Training is money available for businesses and organizations to up-skill their current workforce. Up-skilling can take many forms, anywhere from eligible employees earning industry-recognized certifications to taking a class to further their career in your organization. To learn more about eligibility for IWT, continue reading!

Who is eligible for IWT?

Requirements include:

Company Eligibility

For companies, there are two questions to ask to determine eligibility:

  • Does your company employ High Priority Occupations (HPO)?
  • Does your company have a profile on the PA CareerLink System?

Training Eligibility

For training, there are some questions to ask to determine eligibility:

  • Is the training within a High Priority Occupation (HPO)?
  • Will the training take place within the current program year (July 1 – June 30)?
  • Will the employee(s) that are being trained have been with the company for at least six months by the beginning of training?
  • Will the training achieve one or more of the following employer goals:
    • Quality Improvement
    • Increased Productivity
    • Improved Profits
    • Increased Industry Competitiveness
  • Will the training achieve one or more of the following employee goals:
    • Wage increase
    • Promotion
    • Industry-Recognized Credential
    • Requisite for retained employment

Los fondos de capacitación para trabajadores titulares ayudan a las empresas de Lancaster a retener a los trabajadores calificados y evitar despidos. A través de estos fondos, puede hacer que su negocio sea más competitivo al compensar todo o parte del costo de mejorar las habilidades de sus empleados. Las empresas ubicadas en el condado de Lancaster son elegibles para solicitar fondos de capacitación para trabajadores titulares. 

Por favor revise el pautas de capacitación para trabajadores titulares aquí. Once you have reviewed the guidelines, you can download the application below. Follow the application instructions to complete and submit it to the Lancaster County Workforce Development Board (LCWDB). Upon receipt of applications, the LCWDB staff will review applications and confirm company eligibility. Applicant companies will receive written notification of application status within two weeks of application date.


Pautas de capacitación para trabajadores titulares