Board Committees

If you are interested in becoming part of our Board and sharing your talents with the Lancaster County Workforce Development Board, please contact, Anna Ramos at

The standing committees of the Board are the Executive Committee, the Performance Review Committee, the Finance Committee, the Local Management Committee, and the Youth Committee. Committee members may include non-Board members who are appointed by the Board Chair. Generally, the Committee Chairs are private sector members of the Board. Each group meets as needed to carry out the duties of its committee.

An overview of each committee is provided below:

Executive Committee acts for the Board in between its regularly scheduled meetings on those issues of policy that require timely action to meet statutory compliance. It does not usurp those specific functions, powers, and duties that are reserved by the Board under its agreement with the Chief Elected Officials.

Finance Committee assists with fiduciary responsibilities of the Board by reviewing financial reports, budgets, expenditures, and internal controls. It reviews the annual audit.

Local Management Committee works with community partners to develop strategies that address the barriers that low-income individuals and families face.

Nominating Committee works with Lancaster County to identify eligible community members to serve on the board and its’ committees.

Performance Review Committee reviews the quarterly performance metrics for compliance with state measures, current reports provided by programs, and summaries of customer service surveys among other indications of effectiveness.

Youth Committee provides a forum for interested parties who provide youth leadership, expertise, and who actively engage in setting goals for youth activity and youth programs. It establishes strategies for the workforce development of youth residing in the local area.